
Oggy and the cockroaches cartoon network
Oggy and the cockroaches cartoon network

  • Marky is the tallest cockroach with a silver body, green head and pink eyes (originally red).
  • He is named after bassist Dee Dee Ramone. Sometimes it is shown that his feet are so foul-smelling that the juice they produce is toxic and can melt objects, as seen in "Caught in a Trap"/"High Security Fridge". He is known to like opera, with "Night at the Opera" focusing on this aspect. Always hungry, his appetite sometimes reaches insane proportions, often resulting in the consumption of larger animals or other things that would otherwise be inedible (such as hyenas in one case and, due to the effects of a poisonous mushroom in another case, an insect other instances include the fish on the wallpaper in "Oggy's Clone"/"Oggy's Costume" and a clownfish in "Scuba Diving").
  • Dee Dee is the youngest cockroach with a dark blue body, orange head and green eyes.
  • They also have black "caps" with their antennae, like Oggy. The cockroaches have wide heads, vibrantly-colored sclerae with long, pointed black noses and black feet. However, if the cats left, they would miss each other as seen in "Moving Out".
  • The Cockroaches are a trio of cockroaches named Dee Dee, Marky and Joey (It is also implied that the roaches are named after members of the rock band The Ramones), who love playing tricks on Oggy and other characters such as Jack.
  • He also has a fear of heights, as shown in "The Rise & the Fall"/"Vertigo" – however, it only applied for Jack's construction site.

    oggy and the cockroaches cartoon network

    In early episodes, Oggy, like his Tom and Jerry counterpart was the main punching bag in the series. According to executive producer Marc du Pontavice and France Info, Oggy was named after punk rock musician Iggy Pop and the rock album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. Whenever he finds himself alone in his house, he will eventually begin to miss the cockroaches along with their pranks (as seen in the episode "Priceless Roaches" and "So Lonely"/"Alone at last") followed by nothing interesting happening in his life. Despite the constant mayhem caused by the cockroaches, Oggy has developed a sort of love–hate relationship with them, having lived with them for a long time. Oggy usually spends his time either watching TV or doing housework, when he's not chasing the cockroaches.

  • Oggy is a cat with a light blue body, green eyes, red nose, grey tummy and white feet.
  • oggy and the cockroaches cartoon network

    Bob, a short-tempered bulldog, also appears in the show and is Oggy's neighbor.

    oggy and the cockroaches cartoon network

    In many situations, Oggy is also helped by Jack, who is more violent and short-tempered than him and is also annoyed by the cockroaches.

    oggy and the cockroaches cartoon network

    The cockroaches' slapstick mischief ranges from plundering Oggy's refrigerator to hijacking the train he just boarded. Oggy, an anthropomorphic cat, would prefer to spend his days watching television and eating but is continually pestered by three roaches: Joey, Marky and Dee Dee.

    Oggy and the cockroaches cartoon network