So, if you are really concerned with your privacy then prudence is a necessity. In case you don't set a passcode then a person who has physical access to the mobile phone will be able to view your messages. Another thing that you need to know is that these encrypted messaging apps will not provide physical security. There are some apps that provide both features while in some apps, you will have to change settings to ensure the life of these messages. Before getting such an app, one must be able to differentiate between the secure text messages which are archived, to be accessible later, as normally expected with text messages and the ephemeral text messages which are particularly not saved in cloud/servers and disappear in some sets amount of time. There are a lot of free encrypted messaging apps for consumers who want to keep their private lives private, without spending a lot of money. There are some efficient apps that fulfil this need. There are some people who need encrypted text messages and calls for their business needs and there are some others who don't want other people to peep into their lives. Due to standard potential security risk, wary of government imposition in daily communications, and unencrypted messaging, mobile phone users have become too savvy.