You can use it to get resources for a site you are working on, getting photos in their original quality for certain presentations, and even videos merely for entertainment. Leecher is not to be mistaken with a thief. Later on you can view those files, and if the case applies, get info on them by pressing the “Show Info” button. Video and image files of any kind will end up on your HDD. The download process will not start until you are finished selecting what exactly is you want or need. Just make sure to copy the link into the field mentioned above, and hit the “URL” button. Once you stumble upon a site of your liking do not hesitate to stop a while and run this application. Above are a text field for the link you are interested in, and four buttons, each one representing one of the things you can do with Leecher.

Most of the space in the main window is occupied by the list in which ready to download files will be shown. With its easy to like interface you can rest assured that you will use it at least once.

The application introduces itself in a friendly manner. It is a simple utility which you can use to get your hands on almost any kind of file that is of interest to you and you cannot normally download.

In case you are creating a website you might want to give Leecher a try. With a simple search on the Internet you can find virtually anything to help you out with any undergoing project.